Showing posts with label Carthaginian Army. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carthaginian Army. Show all posts

Sunday, February 28, 2016

All Play and No Work for February

February has been a rather quiet month for my blog.  I have actually played a lot of games, but haven't really taken any pictures as it has primarily been Star Wars X-Wing and Armada.  Sadly I am not doing very well in my painting goals.  I actually did some painting today and was pleased with the results.

So where am I in my goals? As of today I have played 23 games (16 Miniature Games and 7 Board Games).  15 of those games have been part of my goals.  That put's me slightly ahead on my gaming goals for the year as I currently need to play 6 games a month from my goal list to complete my goal. I am also happy that I am playing some different games that were not on my list.

For painting, I am way behind.  I find myself coming home from work, eating some food, watching a youtube video and then going to bed.  I really need to stay up another hour or two an just get some paint on some miniatures every night.  I do need to find more podcasts to listen to as youtube videos are distracting as I tend to want to watch them instead of just listen.  If you are into 15mm Sci Fi I recommend this one from Clear Horizon Miniatures.

In The Garage

As far as purchases go I have been fairly good.  I have bought some X-Wing and Armada models along with some acrylic templates and tokens.  I also bought the new box of Morat Rodak for the Combined Army for Infinity.  I did purchase Descent and a few expansions for a very large discount and I also bought some new dice from Chessex at a local convention.  So currently I am happy with my purchases.  I do need to buy some decals from Victrix for my Carthaginians and I want to buy more foam for my X-Wing and Armada.

Next post will layout what my 2 Divisions of Carthaginian Infantry will look like and what my inspiration will be.